marxa-silenci-Marratxi-Santa-maria-del-camiRecently cycle-tourists in Mallorca held a silent march in honour of Vicenç Suau, a 23 year old cyclist who died in a traffic accident whilst taking part in his favourite sport. We would like to take advantage of this occasion to remind both cyclists and drivers of traffic regulations when it comes to cyclists.



– Reduce speed when approaching cyclists

– When overtaking leave a 1.5m gap between you and the cyclist.

– It is illegal to overtake when there are cyclists coming the other way.

– Cyclists on the road are allowed to travel in a group of up to two cyclists wide.

– At roundabouts and crossroads a group of cyclists are classified as one vehicle from the first bike to the last.

– Cyclists must be respected, as the weaker and less protected road users.


marxa-silenci-Marratxi-Santa-maria-del-cami-3GOOD CYCLING PRACTICES

– Make sure you are well visible and at all moments respect the High way Code.

– Cycle along the hard shoulder and if there is no hard shoulder as far to the right of the road as possible.  

– Never cycle in a pack, at the most ride by twos and on winding roads without hard shoulders, and try to cycle one by one. More than 20-25 cyclists riding in twos, form an obstacle that is too large to be overtaken

– To ride in groups of more than 50 cyclists you need to request permission from the pertinent administration.

– Use a helmet; it is obligatory on all roads.

– Don’t use headphones to listen to music.

– In cities or towns don’t ride on the pavements or along pedestrian areas.

And of course, never forget to cycle responsibly, signalling all manoeuvres and/or changes of direction, respect all rights of way and even if you have right of way, make sure drivers have seen you.

